Explanation of the game (ゲームの説明) |
This is a shooting game to destroy the aliens which approach and come.
You can play this game until it becomes game over.
Movement of the penguin which the player operates uses the acceleration sensor which a smartphone has built-in.
[Main Menu]Form ([メイン・メニュー]フォーム) |
You can finish this application.
This game begins.
You can open [World Ranking]Form.
You can open [Help]Form.
You can open [Data]Form.
Explanation of the Screen of the game (ゲームの画面の説明) |
If you tap [Launch], the boomerang rotates around the penguin.
If you aren't using the boomerang and get this item, [Fire] appears.
If you tap [Fire], you can shoot eight missiles which have eight different courses at the same time.
You can finish this application.
The number of aliens you should destroy.
This shows the remaining time to the end of the game on this stage.
[HP] of each character shows vitality and are destroyed when this becomes zero.
You can get more HP if you take this item.
Shield come to be displayed when you get this item.
[S-HP] shows a durability level of the shield and disappears when this becomes zero.
[!] When the alien has a shield, it does not catch the damage. If you do not give an alien damage, the score is not provided.
[Data]Form ([データ]フォーム) |
☆Before you play the game, you tap [Data] of the [Main Menu]Form and this [Data]Form appears. (ゲームを始める前に、[メインメニュー]フォームの[データ]をタップすると、この[データ]フォームがあらわれます。
You can close the [Data]Form and back to the [Main Menu]Form.
You can search the result of games in your local database by your screen name.
You can delete all of the result of games in your local database.
You can open [World Ranking]Form .
☆After game over, if you tap this [Data], [Data]Form appears.
You can close the [Data]Form and back to the [Main Menu]Form.
If you want to save your data of the game, you write your screen name in the text box and tap the [Save].
They are saved in the locadatabase of your smartphone.
After the game is over,this appears. If you tap [Register], you can open [Registration]Form.
This one has [submit] which can send your data of the game to remote database server.
[!] When you register this game data, you must choose only either local database or remote one.
[!] You cannot delete the data of a remote database connecting to a net when you register once.
[World Ranking]Form ([ワールドランキング]フォーム) |
This form accesses remote the database server in the internet, and displays world ranking data of the game of the player.
If you want to know your data of the game, you write your screen name in the text box and tap this button.
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